Этот ресурс создан для настоящих падонков. Те, кому не нравятся слова ХУЙ и ПИЗДА, могут идти нахуй. Остальные пруцца!

Доктор Смерть (для тех, кто шарит в английзком)

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I must admit that I have never done anything in my life perfectly well. It seems like my whole nature craves for imperfection, although my teachers often told me: “hey, boy, you are smart; your real problem is lack of self-esteem”. May be they had a reason but I know for sure one thing: whatever I do, I leave it unfinished, incomplete. I have never been brilliant at school or at medical college. I was always a way back behind my fellows. The situation did not change for the better after my graduation. I found a job in a god-forsaken hole – St. Andrew State Hospital – one of those state-run medical facilities that is supposed to serve for the good of the community and aid social outcasts who failed to break the vicious circle of poverty and buy medical insurance – a sheet of paper that allows its happy owners to benefit from achievements of contemporary medical science: efficient drugs, proper in-ward care, assistance and consultation of the best doctors, various types of diagnostics, pain control and what not. As the result they avail themselves of long and happy life.
Drunkards, drug addicts, the homeless and illegal immigrants are the most common habitués of St. Andrew’s. Every day they besiege the emergency room in stinking, noisy, meddlesome crowds. Lots of them are under influence. Every day, hour and even minute of work with them is a torture, mind-numbing crucifixion, moral rape.

The story started off a couple of years ago when chief physician announced that the government had embarked on a new cost containment program in the sphere of health care! In order to boost up efficiency of healthcare facilities and to keep costs down the Department of Healthcare mandated euthanasia and assisted suicide. According to new regulations any terminally ill patient or the one who has no financial possibility to pay for long-term or costly treatment has the right to claim lethal injection. If a person is mentally debilitated or unable to function (i.e. he or she is in an irreversible coma or dementia) the claim can be submitted by one of his family members. These new rules at last enabled me to wage war on all these losers that had been torturing me every day since I started to work in St. Andrew’s.
I remember my first injection perfectly well. My first patient (if I may say so) was a racked drug addict. A young male in his late twenties, it was an incontinent corps, ruined by toxins of modern, cheap, synthetic drugs. His restless contracted pupils stared at the prickle; dry, choppy lips articulated “no” and his body went limp. Next moment I understood that I was in the point of no return. I killed a person. This evil is irreparable… No one can bring him back to life. Still I tried to console myself. I tried to imagine how his family must have suffered. I told myself that this man was an addict and his life was not worth living. He was a sore for the society. He could do nothing but harm. And I was a doctor who helped to cure a social disease rather than a particular person.

When I came home his befuddled, lackluster eyes were haunting me all the time. I was thinking about what had happened over and over again. I knew I went down the slippery slope. Dull pain in the chest persisted; it was a reminder of my filthy treacherous murder. I breached the laws of ethics, I trampled on Decalogue. Like hundreds of my patients I found consolation on the bottom of the bottle. Good old Johnny Walker…
I lost the count of lethal injections that I had made since this first time. There were hundreds, may be thousands of them. My colleagues called me Dr. Death behind my back. At last I found a job I could do perfectly well. I did not make any effort to cure my patients any more. I urged them to sign the papers and sent them to heavens. I did not care about their diagnosis. I could provide with injection some Mexican or drunkard who had just a mere cold. My conscience became a rudimental organ; I didn’t adhere to it since it was suppressed by my ambitions and blind confidence in euthanasia as panacea that could help the society.

When you have the right to deprive somebody of his life you become overbearing and arrogant. All the rest are inferior. You think you are the law that rules over the foul of good-for-nothing people.
Administration of the hospital were all glad that a doctor, who could mercilessly kill even a child, was working with them, since they saved up thousands of dollars when patients accepted euthanasia instead of long term treatment. First time during many years St. Andrew’s accounts were in black. They raised wages and physicians started working with more “zeal” turning St. Andrew’s into a death factory. Application for euthanasia became a fairly simple procedure: a patient or his relatives submitted claim and in three hours the patient was on his way to morgue. There was no mercy and no regret, no one of tried to change patient’s mind. The machine was running smoothly without malfunctions until the day when I met her…

I saw her face in the crowded reception room. She had aristocratic features, slim figure and extreme dignity and self-confidence. She was an alien in this filthy world of unpleasant odors, swearing, obscenity and pain. As I was making my way through the mass of human bodies she smiled and kindly asked if I could help her. I led her to my surgery, we were followed by the shout like “hey why should she skip her turn?!!”
Her name was Alice she was of my age and she complained of pains in her chest. I observed her, made a couple of tests and diagnosed bronchitis. I prescribed her some pills and advised to stay in bed for a while. I could not but ask if it was possible to go out with her when she would recover. She agreed!
In a week we met again in a small cozy café in the down town. We were drinking cappuccino, smoking and talking about all kinds of things. Alice was an easy-going person, cheerful and gay like a spring morning.

I was head over the hill. I did not care about my brutal work at St. Andrew’s and did not think about my patients. Everything but Alice was immaterial to me. I started making plans about future about our mutual future, you know, family, children, a private house, holidays at the sea and all the other small things that usually make us happy.
But all these castles in Spain were ruined; they came to pieces when I found out that the person whom I loved so much was terminally ill.
Alice was again suffering from chest pains, she was terribly coughing. I thought to myself that it was again bronchitis but in order to be on the safe side I directed her to one of my college friends, he is a well-known pulmonologist. Numerous tests showed that she had lung cancer. I was shocked! I could not believe this. As a doctor a new quite well that if the illness had been diagnosed on the early stage Alice could have been successfully cured. But it was me who made a mistake.

For years I did nothing but these damn lethal injections. I was not a real professional, I was not a physician. I was a cruel executioner.
And now I have to watch my love dieing. I must look into her eyes, which already have a thin shadow of approaching death. I can not really help her. I spend nights and days beside her bad, trying to live down my mistake – medical malpractice – as they usually put it on TV or in press.
Yesterday we had a long difficult talk. Alice thinks it would be better for her and for us both if she dies before the disease will take her over. She does not want to suffer from unbearable pains. I understand her. If I were on her place, I would like to spend the rest of my life in agony and pains. As a medic I know that pain-killers are of no use in grief cases. They alleviate pain just for a while.
I made my decision. I will help her. I will do it, since I am Dr. Death and it’s the only thing that I do good.
This stupid disease won’t ruin our plans! We’ll be together! I’ll take two syringes with me tomorrow…

Hutor , 18.06.2007

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Я забыл подписацца. Асёл, 18-06-2007 22:26:56

Май нэйм из Вова.


Фаллософ, 18-06-2007 22:29:42

афтар учи албанцкий! срочно!
иначе йад уже открыт и ждет тебя!


Мерзафчег с палитиленавым пакетегом, 18-06-2007 22:52:09

патёрли сцуко


Lester, 18-06-2007 22:54:57

aftar eblan
ты бы еще на иврите написал, дибил бля


ЗлоебучийСмайл, 18-06-2007 22:54:59

h t t p : / / w w  w . t r a n s l  a t e . r u / u r l / t r a n_ u r l . a s p  ? l a n g = r u & u r l = h t t p % 3 A %2 F % 2 F u d a f f . c o m % 2 F c r e o % 2 F 7 2 8 7 9 . h t m l & d i r e c t i o n = e r & t e  m p l a t e= G e n e r a l & c p 1 = N O & c p 2 = N O & a u t ot r a n s l a t e = o n & p s u b m i t 2 . x =4 4 & p s u b m i t 2 .y = 8


Sasha, 18-06-2007 23:11:41

Fuck me sideways


тролль, 18-06-2007 23:53:11

доктор эвтаназиолог.


Медузей, 19-06-2007 00:05:26

Нимнога многа низнакомых букоф.


я забыл подписацца, асёл, 19-06-2007 00:05:57



Baca6u, 19-06-2007 00:36:16

Аффтар sick my duck


шанхай пудун призон, 19-06-2007 00:44:23

в песду, хоть и шарю


шанхай пудун призон, 19-06-2007 00:44:36

в хуй, хоть и в песду лучше


шанхай пудун призон, 19-06-2007 00:44:41

1 1 1


Air_For_Life, 19-06-2007 01:21:11



Бес, 19-06-2007 02:03:52

My colleagues called me Dr. Death behind my back (c)

And made a tatoo "Dr. Death" on my butt. They cut off my fingers and entreat me do not write more...


Who Янсон, 19-06-2007 02:04:36

Жду крео на китайском. Иероглифами, блядь.
Нихао, короче.

А этот крео - никакой. Нудятина, увы.
Хотя зачОд за новизну - поставлю.


СУКУБ, 19-06-2007 02:35:37

сам ты mentally debilitated боянист хуев.


СУКУБ, 19-06-2007 03:31:21

ответ на: АрапПитра [67]

ай да молодца! кратко, емко, 6*


Бухель, 19-06-2007 05:38:44



dollardildo, 19-06-2007 07:25:05

Dear author,

Would you mind to choose your poison? Sadly to say, the theme of private parts isn't exposed enough. Being such an animal, you might also consider to move to the city of Babruisk or to smash yourself against the wall of your choice.

With all duly respect,

Your frustrated readers.


ЧуйСкай, 19-06-2007 07:58:14

ответ на: Бес [113]

>My colleagues called me Dr. Death behind my back (c)
>And made a tatoo "Dr. Death" on my butt. They cut off my fingers and entreat me do not write more...

+1 Аффтар, прочетать самому можно, но ниасилил... Руби пальтсы ,пешы на албанскам


Doctor Shmoorge, 19-06-2007 08:04:13

ответ на: Сибирьяк [39]

eto pishet chyvak a ne pilotka..


Ментини (гламурный итальянский мент), 19-06-2007 08:23:00

Erh, dear Hutor (small dwelling in the country side)
I would like to state that your story is crap!


Лорд Пневмослон, 19-06-2007 08:30:32

Я ф школе учил немецкий, а биз словаря панимаю толька албанцкий и русский матерный. Этат высер на каком йазыке? И какова хуя делаед на русско(олбанцко)язычном рисурсе?


Ленточка ис кружев, 19-06-2007 08:38:23

Иди афтор в Англею-Омерику со своим высером.
Типа выебнулсо чтоле?
Все инстетуты пооканчивали , англицкий учили-сдавали , никто не удивился и в обморок от восторга не упал.
Пиши на русском ,всё равно на родном языке лучше получится.


Ленточка ис кружев, 19-06-2007 08:41:49

Подумалось ,а давайте писать на татарском ,марийском , чувашском ,башкирском ,якутском ,ингушском ,нанайском и т.д. - хуле у нас многонациональное государство.


HHHRDR, 19-06-2007 08:43:31

ответ на: dollardildo [118]

>Dear author,
>Would you mind to choose your poison? Sadly to say, the theme of private parts isn't exposed enough. Being such an animal, you might also consider to move to the city of Babruisk or to smash yourself against the wall of your choice.
>With all duly respect,

>Your frustrated readers.

убилнах!!!! 6*!!!


Кирзач, 19-06-2007 09:12:55

Как такая поебень вообще проникла на ресурс?
Давайте теперь на иврите, армянском, белорусско-хохляцком писать... По-китайски вот тоже можно...

Один вопрос - на хуя?


Worker - good, capitalism - bad, 19-06-2007 09:30:30

Ненавижу выебон. Ударил бы автора при встрече дубиной по башке. По-русски пиши, гнида хуторская. Дебил голубой (судя по понтам). А если это девка - иди и повессья. Сука.


Siniaja Rodja, 19-06-2007 09:44:12

гано,хуета,на чукотском, блять пеши, пидрилло.


Siniaja Rodja, 19-06-2007 09:44:56

форум для заносчивых англистских педрилл.


АрапПитра, 19-06-2007 11:04:19

ответ на: Сибирьяк [39]

>Перевел бы, но пора домой и печатать в падлу.. Короче, смысл крео в нескольких словах:
>Пелотка - неудачница на последние гроши училась в медучилище.....
>Вот такая хуйня, не теребите словари, ибо нехуй!

Какая нахуй пилотка-неудачница? =)))
Четаим:  It seems like my whole nature craves for imperfection, although my teachers often told me: “hey, boy, you are smart; your real problem is lack of self-esteem”.
"Создается впичатление будта я сам стремился к нисавиршенству, хотя маи учетеля часто говорили мне: Эй, МАЛЧЫК, ты талковый, но твая правблема- атсутствие самауважениа"


Продавец Человеков, 19-06-2007 11:05:55

fanjhe неабхадима ифтаназия


125, 19-06-2007 13:08:44

Особенно прикололо: 'As a doctor a new quite well' -- "Как доктор новое весьма хорошо"!!! Мудохренистическая трактовка 'As a doctor I KNEW quite well'. Учись, студент, языковОго ВУЗа...
Ещё парочка: dieing -- dying, If I were on her place -- If I were her.


Jumangee, 19-06-2007 13:14:59

Well, it's a sad story. I have no comments, but I must say that it's touching. And your English is very good.


Рамзес Железноводский, 19-06-2007 14:43:32

Чё-то в падлу читать.


Gloza_und_Ushi, 19-06-2007 15:04:39

У кого тут бля English is very good? Это ПТУ Бабруйское!
"And now I have to watch my love dieing." За каким процессом с иво лубимай он сабралсо наблюдать? Иле это такой англо-олбанцкей?

Хуйня, в общем. Не проняло.


Gloza_und_Ushi, 19-06-2007 15:10:13

>Особенно прикололо: 'As a doctor a new quite well' -- "Как доктор новое весьма хорошо"!!! Мудохренистическая трактовка 'As a doctor I KNEW quite well'. Учись, студент, языковОго ВУЗа...
>Ещё парочка: dieing -- dying, If I were on her place -- If I were her.
+ 100
А последнее носитель языка выразил бы скорее так: If I were in her шуз. (Сорри, робот не пропускает с правильно написанным словом "тупли")


Чужой дядя, 19-06-2007 15:29:12

Нихуя не круто. Требую ат Кирзача креатива на китайском!


Ниибаццо Белинский, 19-06-2007 15:54:59

Ту мэни лэттарз, кан`т оверпавер.


Холодная Скользкая Тварь, 19-06-2007 16:01:33

ответ на: я забыл подписацца, асёл [40]

Слышь! Вот ты на меня всегда срешь. Вот не люблю я тибя за это, но в данном случае с тобою полностью согласен. АФФТАР - ПАШОЛЬ НА ХУЙ!!!


Холодная Скользкая Тварь, 19-06-2007 16:03:25

Бляяя! Только счас догнал! Бомж! Напиши нам крео на иврите. И неважно о чем. Бе холь оффен ло наавин клюм.


НашаЗайцева, 19-06-2007 16:57:32

Волынд, сцуко, отжОг!
"18-06-2007 19:14:57 Волынд"
Песдец, от гогота фсё па штанам и клавиатуре расплескалось!


Bassman, 19-06-2007 19:11:34

очень нехуёво так, английский конечно не отменный но для не native speaker хорошо. единственная вещь на ресурсе которую стоило читать за последний месяц, ибо отличается от остального
история тоже неплоха
короче зачод б/п


Siniaja Rodja, 19-06-2007 20:40:01

какая-то поебень для идиотов и жопникоф.


СТС, 20-06-2007 10:44:24

То, что аффтар мудак - it's going without saying.
Но смысл пиздатейший. Столько падали кругом, усыплять и усыплять их без устали. Нарики, алики, чурки, еффреи... всех бы разом в газенваген, потом эксковатором в траншею, хлоркой полить для дизинфекции и закопать с глаз долой...


Хуепор, 20-06-2007 16:18:37

Ю сач э коксакин' литл гёл


Siniaja Rodja, 21-06-2007 16:00:37

ответ на: Gloza_und_Ushi [135]

аффтар пидарас сасет хуй и ибется ф жопу.


Siniaja Rodja, 21-06-2007 19:12:51



Стояк Дрочнер, 22-06-2007 09:56:29

Shit! Again women!
I expected the guy to start using a chainsaw or some other really juicy stuff but the bastard
ruined all my hopes! Are there any real maniacs left?
Однако написано ништяк, правда с очепятками, но это хуйня!
Аффтар жжот!

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«Но, к их радости и удивлению, Князев оказался проктически совсем цел, разве что лишился части волосяного покрова, спалил себе брови и ресницы и теперь являл собой почти натурального Фантомаса, которого коммисар Жюв уже успел по разику утопить и сжечь.»

«а теперь говорит,
что болею
кормит снотворным
запрещает смотреть

— Ебитесь в рот. Ваш Удав

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